Start It is an education programme that teaches sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation skills. Supported by our alumni and parent networks as well as our partner schools, we look to share our wisdom and experience with the young people involved, as they acquire the confidence and skills to start their own businesses. Crucially, the programme is open to, and promoted amongst, all students within the West London Partnership. A key focus of the partnership is to foster collaboration between different groups of young people and to promote social enterprise.
Young Enterprise – open Y12s, 10-15 participants per year. Commences October and ends in April. Students build their own businesses, raise real funds and compete in competitions regionally and nationally. This is the leading national programme for entrepreneurship and we can offer financial support and staffing for any schools in the WLP who are keen to undertake it. Commitment is one 45 min meeting per week plus occasional trade fairs and events after school/on weekends.
LSE Generate – open to Y12s – this is a three day intensive course for would be entrepreneurs. Participating students will travel to the LSE in October, December and February for a whole day of mentorship, group activities and one to one sessions with real entrepreneurs who work with the LSE’s prestigious Generate prograame. 10-15 places per school.
ESTER incubator – all alumni of the WLP are eligible to apply for the ESTER incubator programme which allocates up to £10k funding plus 12 months of dedicated guidance and mentorship for successful applicants. Access to Venture Capital networks and Angels allows participating students to take their business idea to the next level. This course is targeted at 18-25 year olds but anyone can apply. It would be really helpful if we can send emails directly to alumni from WLP schools making them aware of this opportunity.
For further information about events and the Start it programme, please contact Nick Troen [email protected]